Mobile Scaffolding Accident Lawyer
An industrial site contains all types of dangers – some open and obvious and others that are hidden. Scaffolding contains both. Workers who erect and take down scaffolding are often not properly trained to do so. Moreover, a contractor or subcontractor who puts profits over safety may use scaffolding components well after their useful life is over. Finally, scheduling delays can lead to workers in various trades working amongst and on top of each other instead of in sequence. All of these failings can result in falls and injuries to those below by objects from above.
If you have been injured by or relating to scaffolding, call us at 800-574-4332 to talk about what happened. The Mobile scaffolding attorneys at Burns, Cunningham & Mackey, P.C. have the ability to evaluate the facts of your situation and identify the guilty parties with the aid of proven construction and safety experts.
What Is a Scaffolding Accident and What Damages are Available?
Over one in five deaths in the workplace occur in construction sites, and near 40% of those deaths are related to falls. Citations for the breach of OSHA regulations relating to scaffolding are the third most frequently cited violation by employers, according also to the 2015-16 citation year statistics.
In Alabama, you may bring a claim for the compensatory damages associated with the injury – permanent injury, lost wages (past and future), emotional distress and physical pain and suffering (past and future), medical bills (past and future) and other out of pocket costs you have incurred or will incur in the future. You may be entitled to punitive damages punitive damages against the individual designed to punish the wrongdoer and to deter others from similar conduct. If you are married or the injury is to a minor child in your custody, you can bring a claim for your loss of services of the injured person. A scaffolding accident lawyer at Burns, Cunningham & Mackey, P.C. will investigate your claim and pursue a recovery against all who may be responsible if the facts merit doing so. Contact us at 800-574-4332 to begin the conversation today.
What Will an Alabama Scaffolding Accident Lawyer Provide?
Burns, Cunningham & Mackey, P.C., is able to offer a scaffolding accident lawyer to lead you through what can be a traumatic experience. We will handle your case with professionalism and sensitivity. You deserve the support and advocacy that our attorneys will provide.
In the state of Alabama, the statute of limitations on scaffolding accident cases is only two years from the date of injury. Accordingly, you should reach out to the attorneys at Burns, Cunningham & Mackey, P.C. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a scaffolding accident and believe it may have been due to the negligence of a third-party, reach out to our team of Mobile scaffolding accident attorneys today to discuss your legal options. We do not charge a fee to evaluate your case.