Entries by Gaines Drago

Keeping Your Child Safe on the Way to School.

Undoubtedly, we have all seen the terrible headlines flash across the scene where a school bus filled with children is involved in an accident. Many times, unfortunately, injuries that do occur could be avoided if the children were taught a few simple rules about bus safety. It is important to remember that accidents involving children […]

The Rights of Landowners and Surface Waters

You’ve finally retired and have purchased that dream plot of forty acres. You know the one just outside of town, with open spaces where grandkids can come and explore, where the only honking you hear is from the Canadian Geese who have come to spend the winter in a nearby pond. When alas, in this […]

Check Fraud

Nearly all of us have had it happen to us at least once. First all oxygen appears to be sucked from the room, then, almost simultaneously, your stomach is twisted into a pretzel as if you are one of the performers from Cirque de Sole, and it is only after the flood of fear that […]

The Benefit of Macs and the Small Law Firm

The Benefit of Macs and the Small Law Firm By: Gaines Drago I have been doing some research on the pros and cons between switching to Mac computers in the legal field and ran across a website that I found interesting. Practicing in a smaller firm has its many advantages, but can also have some […]