Keeping Your Child Safe on the Way to School.

Undoubtedly, we have all seen the terrible headlines flash across the scene where a school bus filled with children is involved in an accident. Many times, unfortunately, injuries that do occur could be avoided if the children were taught a few simple rules about bus safety. It is important to remember that accidents involving children occur not only during transportation but also during pickup and drop off. Here are a few simple rules that you should take time to explain to your kids.

-Stop and look both ways before crossing the road.
-Use the safest, most direct route between home and the school.
-Cross only at school crossings manned by crossing supervisors or pedestrian crossings.
-Walk on a sidewalk or footpath whenever possible.
-Understand the meanings of traffic light colors.
-Remain seated in the bus when it is moving. Explain the dangers of running around or jumping in the bus.
-Stand at least 10 feet (five giant steps) away from the road while waiting for the bus.
-Walk in groups to the bus stop. There is safety in numbers as children are more visible when they walk in groups.
-Wait for the bus to stop completely before getting on or off.
-Tell the children exactly where you will be picking them up after school.

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I hope these simple guidelines will help keep your children safe. Have a great school year.

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