Entries by Pete Burns

Proving the Other Driver was Texting in a Car Accident

Negligent driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents in Alabama and across the country. Unsafe driving can take many forms. And distracted driving, including texting or otherwise using a cell phone, continues to be a major cause of life-threatening car accidents. If the driver who hit you was texting and driving, […]

Seeking Compensation from Multiple At-Fault Parties

Personal injury claims, by nature, can be complicated. The more parties you add into a claim, the more complex it becomes. You may have already discovered this if you’ve suffered injuries in an accident, only to find out that there’s more than one party responsible for the losses you’ve suffered. Trying to get even one […]

Common Internal Injuries That Occur on Impact

Impact injuries vary from person to person. While one person might be lucky enough to walk away with bumps and scratches, another might suffer life-threatening internal bleeding that requires immediate medical attention. Perhaps some of the most dangerous injuries are internal injuries. These aren’t always visible, which leads some victims to skip medical care in […]

Personal Injury Risks at the Beach This Summer

Summertime means kids out of school, parents with vacation days to use up, and everyone taking advantage of Alabama’s stunning beaches. Nearly 7 million people visit Alabama’s Gulf Coast every year, bringing new life to this tourist area. However, with that many people on the beachfront, there are bound to be accidents. Learn more about […]