The Sad State of Alabama Politics

A headline in our local paper this morning reads “GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Favor Jail Time For Abortion Doctors.” Whether or not you agree with that position is not the point. The point is, you can bet that many of those polled are answering in the only way that they think that they can answer and still get elected. Putting candidates to extreme litmus tests produces predictable results and does very little to educate the voting public.

In fact, it does more harm than good.

Think about it – McCain got more than 60% of the Alabama vote. This is a conservative state. That said, do you get elected by telling the truth or by saying what you think the voters want to hear? Sadly, on both sides of the aisle it is the latter. The candidates will tell you privately that they have to answer those questions they way they do or they would not have a chance at getting elected. Is that really true? Where is the line drawn? How do you think that these same candidates would answer these questions:

– Should homosexuals be banned from holding public office?
– Do you favor public executions?
– Should Muslim prayers be allowed in public schools?

Let’s turn the tables ninety degrees and ask these questions:

– Should Alabama have accepted federal stimulus dollars?
– Should Alabama accept any money from the federal government?
– If the U.S. Supreme Court issues a ruling that you do not accept, does Alabama have the right to ignore it?
– Do you support the U.S. Constitution?

Those last questions would make a lot of politicians in this state very uncomfortable. What then, is the answer? The answer is to tell the truth and explain why you are telling the truth. For almost 200 years, politicians have been pulling the wool over the eyes of the voters, and have been quite successful in their endeavors. Governor Albert Brewer is one of the few statesman Alabama has known. Because if politicians do not tell the truth, nothing will ever change. But Pete, aren’t you saying the obvious? Isn’t that the way politics is? Yes and yes. Does that mean we just give up?

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